He Only Takes The Best Poem

by Frances, and Kathleen Coelho

For people who find it difficult to communicate their sentiments and sorrow, memorial poems are unquestionably the most effective means of letting yourself be heard and understood. Death and departure are unavoidable aspects of human existence. Other than this, there is no other option for removing pain and suffering from one's life. It is the unavoidable truth of life.

He Takes The Best Poem

Losing a family member is undoubtedly a sad and hopeless experience in a person's existence. Even the most powerful and wealthy people fall short in the presence of the almighty since no one is greater than that lord. All we can do is honor the memories and days spent with the departed soul's spirit in our hearts. A funeral ceremony is the most appropriate time for everyone to remember and cherish the happy, loving, and affectionate moments they shared with their loved ones during their lifetime.
To describe your roller coaster of emotions and feelings, you can always turn to the funeral poems, which are weaved with words heard by the soul, to help you express your thoughts and feelings. One of the most amazing and cheerful poems to say goodbye at funeral has to be - He Only Takes The Best. This poem about loss is written by Frances, and Kathleen Coelho, is something that will touch the hearts of everyone who reads it.
Frances M. Coelho wrote the sad poem in 1939 for her mother, Frances Mederios, whom she adored. This funeral poem for mum is undoubtedly the perfect solution for any child who is going through the same sadness as their mother.
Frances M. Coelho has placed a strong emphasis in her funeral poem on the fact that God freed his beloved mother from the aches and sorrows of this world, as there was no remedy for her condition. God wrapped his arms around mother and invited her to come to him for respite from the stresses of life. Each one of your family members and friends looked at you as you walked away from us with tear-filled and sorrow-filled eyes. 
Even though we adored you, none of us could bear the thought of keeping you here with us. We were all despairing, for this was the order of God, who had summoned you to him to be relieved of your suffering.
Our hearts sank the day you died away when we realized that a large and affection-filled golden heart had ceased beating forever. A person who had dedicated her entire life to bringing happiness to others had now found eternal peace. However, while the lord who sits in the heavens broke our hearts, he showed that he only takes the greatest with him to the heights.
Mothers are the dearest, and they work their entire life for their kids. This funeral poem for mum is certainly what you feel like after she is gone far away from you. Remember to add this to your memorial service.

Only The Best Poem

God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not to be,
so he put his arms around you,
and whispered "Come to me".

With tearful eyes we watched you,
and saw you pass away.
Although we loved you dearly,
we could not make you stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,
hardworking hands at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.


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