Stairway To Heaven Poem

by Karen White

Did you know that the best eulogy peoms can play a vital role in the healing process after a traumatic event such as loss due to death? While it is regrettable that poetry readings are becoming less and less popular in ordinary life, they are still frequently employed at major rituals and events, such as funerals in the form of memorial poems to honor the deceased. 

Stairway To Heaven

Eulogy poem readings at funerals can be meaningful rituals. A grief poem helps you to celebrate the loved one's life and reinforces the bonds of mourning. It doesn't matter if the funeral poem chosen by you is sad or encouraging and inspiring. Memorial poems for loved ones can help us find purpose in loss and bring us into a reflective mindset. In a poetry reading, everyone in the room shares an intimate moment. 
One of the very special poems that we have today is the 'Stairway to Heaven' by Karen White from her Pieces of the Heart. This very special and heartwarming funeral poem was written by her when she lost her daughter. She had got this engraved on her stone which was standing tall in her backyard. The loss of a child for a mother is unbearable, and so is the feeling for Karen. This is a sad child poem is heart-touching for every mom who has suffered the same loss. 
Karen starts by saying that the tears which she has shed on her dearest daughter's departure are enough for her to build a stairway. Only if she could get to walk through the lane of memories with the help of the stairwell can she reach her child in heaven to bring her back home once again.
Everything happened so quickly and suddenly that she did not even get the time to say goodbye. Her daughter went too soon, and no one knows why, except God. Being a mother, she is still in pain and tears, for no one will ever understand how much she misses her child.
Karen White has certainly gone through a tough time losing her dearest daughter all of a sudden. For the rest of her life, she is going to miss the little one every moment. Being a mom, it is hard to write down such beautiful words for the loss that she has suffered from. This eulogy poem is full of grief, memories, and unbearable heartache that a mother feels. 
The poem for a child’s funeral should be one that resonates with you personally and honors your child in the way in which you would wish them to be remembered. Your loss has touched us deeply, and we send our heartfelt condolences through this beautifully written and famous grief poem. 
Also, for those who have just experienced the loss of a loved one, as mentioned before, poetry may be of help in navigating the difficult time of grieving. Consider using these memorial poems in the funeral service to express your sorrow and love for the person who has departed from you.


Stairway To Heaven Funeral Poem

If tears could build a stairwell
And memories were a lane,
I would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say good-bye...
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why.


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