Gentle Face Poem

Even though poems about the death of a child cannot reverse this devastating loss, they can provide support and comfort to bereaved parents. Every parent and each member of the family feels very different about the loss of a child, and for every emotion, there is a memorial poem. Whenever planning a funeral for your son or daughter, always consider expressing your unspoken emotions with the help of beautiful funeral poem. 

Experiencing and grieving for a child is an individual experience that can be portrayed in remembrance poetry about child loss. Bereaved parents and other close family members and friends will find comfort in these memorial poems for parents that express their feelings of rage, sorrow, grief, hopelessness, and even acceptance.
The death of a child is one of the most terrible tragedies that a person can experience in his or her life. For bereaved parents, love and support from friends and family are essential. Please think about sending a compassionate letter to someone you love who is grieving the loss of a child.

Your Gentle Face 

is a memorial poem for a son which was written by Ann Marie Portelli in the year 2012. She wrote this heartfelt poem in the loving memory of Bryan Portelli. Every word weaved in this poem reflects the grief that this mother has been living with to date. 
Even today, after so many years, the entire family can still recall the charming face and gentle smile of their child. The departed soul was a kind person who loved everybody around him, no matter who it was. Your heart was true and loving, but now it has stopped forever. And, that is the worst part, for now, we have been separated from someone who is as good as you. 
People who are kind, generous, and show humanity are never forgotten. Hence, the poet mentions in the memorial poem for her son that she and the entire family will never be able to forget her child. In fact, she also says that she will remember him till her last breather. She will keep carrying his memories in her heart forever, without skipping a second.
As time passes by, the family has started missing you more and more. The hearts that you reside in are aching due to your departure. Your bright smile and gentle face are all that we remember every moment. Nothing has ever been able to fill the void that you left behind. 
For every mom, it is difficult to bear with the loss of her child. She wants the almighty to understand her pain and wishes peace for her lost son. This is one of the most touching bereavement poems for son which every mother who is going through the same pain can relate to. 
Losing a kid is, without a doubt, the most difficult experience anyone can go through. The poems for a child's funeral cannot erase the grief of this awful loss, can assist you in exploring and accepting your emotions at this difficult time.


Gentle Face Poem

Your gentle face and patient smile.
With sadness we recall
You had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.

The voice is mute and stilled the heart
That loved us well and true.
Ah, bitter was the trial to part
From one so good as you.

You are not a forgotten loved one
Nor will you ever be
As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are sore,
As time goes by we miss you more,
Your loving smile, your gentle face
No one can fill your vacant place.


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